2016년 11월 28일 월요일

MySQL Math UDF ( User Define Function )

OpenSource 중에 MySQL 함수 관련 소스가 있어 찾아 봤음
통계용 함수를 MySQL의 Plugin 형식으로 개발

1. MySQL Plugin용 Math UDF

-- 01. Install
-- ( use root user )

git clone http://github.com/megastep/mysql-udf.git

if os = ubuntu then
 apt install gcc gcc-c++ make libmariadbclient-dev
else if os = centos
 yum install gcc gcc-c++ make MariaDB-devel-xx.xx
end if

vi Makefile

/* MySQL Header File 위치 수정 */

INCL = -l/usr/include/mysql

/* Build */


cp udf_math.so /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin

/* function import */

mysql -uroot -p -A mysql -e "source import.sql"

-- 02. Check 

select * from mysql.func;

name                  ret  dl           type       
-----------------  ------  -----------  -----------
colwidth                2  udf_math.so  aggregate  
confidence_higher       1  udf_math.so  function   
confidence_lower        1  udf_math.so  function   
correlation             1  udf_math.so  aggregate  
faculty                 1  udf_math.so  function   
geomean                 1  udf_math.so  aggregate  
intercept               1  udf_math.so  aggregate  
kurtosis                1  udf_math.so  aggregate  
longest                 0  udf_math.so  aggregate  
median                  1  udf_math.so  aggregate  
noverm                  1  udf_math.so  function   
skewness                1  udf_math.so  aggregate  
slope                   1  udf_math.so  aggregate  
stdnorm_density         1  udf_math.so  function   
stdnorm_dist            1  udf_math.so  function   
weightedavg             1  udf_math.so  aggregate  
steyx                   1  udf_math.so  aggregate  

Function Spec


Function name               median
Purpose                     calculate the median of a column
Aggregate function          Yes
Input parameter(s)          1 (column: REAL)
Conditions                  -
Output value(s)             1 per group (REAL)
Examples                    SELECT MEDIAN(age) FROM bar
                            SELECT gender, MEDIAN(age),AVG(age) FROM bar GROUP BY gender
Registration                CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION median RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_median.so';


Function name               correlation
Purpose                     calculate the correlation coefficient of the linear regression of two sets of variables
Aggregate function          Yes
Input parameter(s)          1 (dependent variable: REAL, 
                             independent variable: REAL)
Conditions                  -
Output value(s)             1 per group (REAL)
Examples                    SELECT correlation(income,age) FROM customers
Registration                CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION correlation RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_correlation.so';


Function name               intercept
Purpose                     calculate the intercept of the linear regression of two sets of variables
Aggregate function          Yes
Input parameter(s)          2 (dependent variable: REAL, 
                             independent variable: REAL)
Conditions                  -
Output value(s)             1 per group (REAL)
Examples                    SELECT intercept(income,age) FROM customers
Registration                CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION intercept RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_intercept.so';


Function name               slope
Purpose                     calculate the slope of the linear regression of two sets of variables
Aggregate function          Yes
Input parameter(s)          2 (dependent variable: REAL, 
                             independent variable: REAL)
Conditions                  -
Output value(s)             1 per group (REAL)
Examples                    SELECT slope(income,age) FROM customers
Registration                CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION slope RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_slope.so';


Function name               skewness
Purpose                     calculate the skewness of a distribution of values
Aggregate function          Yes
Input parameter(s)          1 (data: REAL)
Conditions                  -
Output value(s)             1 per group (REAL)
Examples                    SELECT skewness(age) FROM customers
Registration                CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION skewness RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_skewness.so';


Function name               kurtosis
Purpose                     calculate the kurtosis of a distribution of values
Aggregate function          Yes
Input parameter(s)          1 (data: REAL)
Conditions                  -
Output value(s)             1 per group (REAL)
Examples                    SELECT kurtosis(age) FROM customers
Registration                CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION kurtosis RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_kurtosis.so';


Function name               confidence_higher
Purpose                     calculate the upper bound of the confidence interval for a given standard deviation, sample size, mean and confidence probabilty
Aggregate function          No
Input parameter(s)          4 or 5 (confidence probability p: INT or REAL, 
                                               sample size n: INT, 
                                          arithmetic mean my: INT or REAL, 
                                        standard deviation s: INT or REAL, 
                                          number of decimals: INT, optional)
Conditions                  -
Output value(s)             1 per row (REAL)
Examples                    SELECT confidence_higher(0.95,2000,550,60,4)
Registration                CREATE FUNCTION confidence_higher RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_confidence_higher.so';


Function name               confidence_lower
Purpose                     calculate the lower bound of the confidence interval for a given standard deviation, sample size, mean and confidence probabilty
Aggregate function          No
Input parameter(s)          4 or 5 (confidence probability p: INT or REAL,
                                               sample size n: INT,
                                          arithmetic mean my: INT or REAL,
                                        standard deviation s: INT or REAL,
                                          number of decimals: INT, optional)
Conditions                 -
Output value(s)            1 per row (REAL)
Examples                   SELECT confidence_lower(0.95,2000,550,60,4)
Registration               CREATE FUNCTION confidence_lower RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_confidence_lower.so';


Function name              stdnorm_density
Purpose                    calculate the value of the density function of the standard normal distribution for a given point
Aggregate function         No
Input parameter(s)         1 or 2 (           point p: INT or REAL,
                                   number of decimals: INT, optional)
Conditions                 -
Output value(s)            1 per row (REAL)
Examples                   SELECT stdnorm_density(0,4)
Registration               CREATE FUNCTION stdnorm_density RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_stdnorm_density.so';


Function name             stdnorm_dist
Purpose                   calculate the value of the distribution function of the standard normal distribution for a given point
Aggregate function        No
Input parameter(s)        1 or 2 (           point p: INT or REAL,
                                  number of decimals: INT, optional)
Conditions                -
Output value(s)           1 per row (REAL)
Examples                  SELECT stdnorm_dist(0,4)
Registration              CREATE FUNCTION stdnorm_dist RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_stdnorm_dist.so';


Function name             geomean
Purpose                   calculate the geometric mean of a column
Aggregate function        Yes
Input parameter(s)        1 (data: REAL)
Conditions                -
Output value(s)           1 per group (REAL)
Examples                  SELECT geomean(price) FROM products
Registration              CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION geomean RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_geomean.so';


Function name             weightedavg
Purpose                   calculate the weighted average of a values
Aggregate function        Yes
Input parameter(s)        2 (data: REAL)
                          (weight: REAL)
Conditions                -
Output value(s)           1 per group (REAL)
Examples                  SELECT weightedavg(voting,categoryweight) FROM votes
Registration              CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION weightedavg RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_weightedavg.so';


Function name            noverm
Purpose                  calculate the number of possible combinations of size m from a set of n total values
                         (without regarding the order of values in combinations)
Aggregate function       No
Input parameter(s)       2 (n: INTEGER, 
                            m: INTEGER)
Conditions               n must be greater than 1, m must be between 1 and m
Output value(s)          1 (REAL)
Examples                 SELECT noverm(10,2)
                         SELECT noverm(foo,bar) FROM baz
Registration             CREATE FUNCTION noverm RETURNS INTEGER SONAME 'udf_noverm.so';


Function name            faculty
Purpose                  calculate the faculty (n!) of a number (1*2*3*4*5*6...*n)
Aggregate function       No
Input parameter(s)       1 (n: INTEGER)
Conditions               n must be greater than 0
Output value(s)          1 (REAL)
Examples                 SELECT faculty(20)
SELECT                   faculty(foo) FROM bar
Registration             CREATE FUNCTION faculty RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_faculty.so';


Function name            colwidth
Purpose                  calculate the length of the longest value in a STRING column
Aggregate function       Yes
Input parameter(s)       1 (column: STRING)
Conditions               -
Output value(s)          1 per group (INTEGER)
Examples                 SELECT COLWIDTH(request_vars) FROM request_log
                         SELECT session.id,COLWIDTH(session_vars.value) FROM session,session_vars 
                         WHERE  session.id=session_vars.session_id 
                         GROUP BY session_id


Function name            longest
Purpose                  get the longest value in a STRING column
Aggregate function       Yes
Input parameter(s)       1 (column: STRING)
Conditions               -
Output value(s)          1 per group (STRING)
Examples                 SELECT LONGEST(name) FROM users
                         SELECT LONGEST(request_vars) FROM request_log GROUP BY script_name

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